Passengers is a site-specific exhibition series that explores the historical, social and material contexts of sites and architecture. For its inaugural series, artists presented work sequentially to explore the real and imaginative associations of the Brunswick Centre – a Modernist, mixed residential and commercial development in Bloomsbury, London.

Ben McDonnell made a series of images that blend analogue and digital imaging techniques to re-present the architecture of The Brunswick Centre as unfixed and responding to the needs of those that occupy it.

During the residency he worked with analogue cyanotype process (used for architectural blueprinting) and contemporary 3d imaging techniques to produce a body of work that repositioned the architecture as a moving, breathing constellation of parts.

The work manifest as a magazine with text by composer Bushra El-Turk, a film made with artist Nemo Nonnenmacher and a digital sculpture that was exhibited at AORA space.